Product Change Notifications (PCN)

Title Product FamilyAffected SKUPCN DownloadIssue Date
Helios and Atlas Packaging ChangeAtlas, Helios modelsATL, ATP, ATX, HLT, HTP, HTW, HTR, HTNPCN2025002.pdf2025/03/05
Triton2 PoE ImprovementTriton2TRT*PCN2025001.pdf2025/01/14
Phoenix and Triton Camera Label UpdatePhoenix, Triton
PHX* & TRI*PCN2024002.pdf2024/04/23
PCIE-POE1-MG2 (ioi GE10P-PCIE4XG301) End of Lifeioi Multi-Gigabit POE Ethernet PCIE x4 Gen2 Card v2
PCIE-POE2-MG (ioi DGEAP-PCIE4XG302) End of Lifeioi Dual Port Multi-Gigabit POE+ Ethernet CardPCIE-POE2-MGPCN2023009.pdf2023/12/20
Helios laser eye safety label updateHelios, Helios2HLS003S-001, HLF003S-001, HLT003S-001, HTP003S-001, HTW003S-001PCN2023008.pdf2023/11/01
Screw length change for Phoenix transform kitsPhoenix Transform KitsPHX24-TK, PHX28-TKPCN2023005.pdf2023/05/11
Camera M12 connector seal update Triton TRI*PCN2023004.pdf2023/04/03
Camera M12 connector seal update Atlas IP67 (ATP) and Helios2 (HTP)ATP* & HTP*PCN2023003.pdf2023/04/03
Phihong PoE Injector End of LifeAccessories: PoE Power InjectorsPOEP-PHEU, POEP-PHUKPCN2023002.pdf2023/02/09
Intel Gigabit CT Desktop Adapter End of LifeAccessories: Interface CardsPCIE-ETH1PCN2023001.pdf2023/02/09
Helios2 & RGB Kit Update (NIC change)3D+RGB IP67 Kit with Helios2+,
3D+RGB IP67 Kit with Helios2
HTP003S-001, HLT003S-001PCN2022002.pdf2022/05/05
PCIE-POE2 and PCIE-POE4 End of LifeAccessories: Interface CardsPCIE-POE2, PCIE-POE4PCN2022001.pdf2022/05/04