Using Norpix StreamPix for Windows
Norpix StreamPix is a high-speed digital recording software for machine vision and scientific cameras. It allows users to capture from multiple cameras and supports 100+ cameras and frame grabbers from top manufacturers. The following instructions describe how StreamPix is used to acquire, save, and display images with LUCID cameras.
System Specifications
- Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Version 1909, Build 18363.836
- StreamPix
Connecting and operating a LUCID camera in StreamPix
1. Load camera grabber by clicking on the button in the Camera category and select the desired camera.
2. To duplicate camera stream, click on and select desired workspace source.
3. To Unload camera, Click on
4. To Reload camera, Click on
5. Press to access camera settings such as ROI, Exposure, Gain, Image format.
6. To stream images, check the LIVE checkbox , and uncheck to stop stream.
7. To add additional workspaces, Click and add new workspace by clicking
8. To display multiple cameras, Click and choose layout.
For more information on Norpix StreamPix, please visit