Using Pleora eBUS SDK software for Linux

Using Pleora eBUS SDK software for Linux

Pleora’s eBUS™ Software Development Kit (SDK) is a feature-rich toolkit that allows developers to produce video applications in short timeframes, while reducing risk and lowering design and support costs. Pleora’s eBUS SDK features a large library of sample code, which serves as a quick-start platform for each development project and is fully GigE Vision compliant. The following instructions will explain how to use Lucid Vision cameras with Pleora eBUS SDK for Linux

System Specifications

  • Ubuntu 16.04.1 64-bit, kernel 4.4.0-31
  • eBUS SDK 64-bit


  1. Install the following dependencies:

    $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl
    $ sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake
    $ sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools

Installing the eBUS Universal Pro For Ethernet Filter Driver is recommended. The filter driver can compiled at the time of eBUS sofware installation.


Once the filter driver is compiled, it must also be loaded into memory. To load the filter driver:

  • Navigate to your module folder. On a 64-bit Ubuntu installation, the module folder is found in /opt/pleora/ebus_sdk/Ubuntu-x86_64/module.
  • Run to load the filter driver into memory.
  • Verify the filter driver is loaded by checking the results of the following commands:
$ lsmod | grep -o ebUniversalProForEthernet

$ ls /dev/ebUniversalProForEthernet



The filter driver must be recompiled and reloaded after a kernel update. Run in your module folder to compile the filter driver and run to load the recompiled filter driver into memory.

eBUS Player

  1. Launch eBUS Player to launch Pleora’s image acquisition program. eBUS Player can be launched by typing ./eBUSPlayer in your bin folder in the terminal.

  2. Press pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_select_connect to open the camera selection screen and connect to your camera.


  3. Click pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_play to acquire images from the camera.

  4. Click pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_stop to stop acquiring images from the camera.

  5. Click pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_communication_control to control connection and communication settings between the host system and the camera.

  6. Click pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_device_control to control camera settings.

  7. Click pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_image_stream_control to open image stream settings and view performance statistics.

  8. Click pleora_linux_ebus_player_button_disconnect to release control of the camera.

eBUS SDK Samples

Pleora eBUS SDK installs samples programs in your share/samples folder. Please note that some of the included samples are not necessarily intended for GigE Vision devices.


You must run set_puregev_env in your bin folder to set up the required environment variables before running any compiled samples.