The LUCID Knowledge Base contains articles based on the setup and operation of our cameras. Most of this information is supplemental to what’s found in the technical reference manuals, however some of this information might also be a repeat of what is in the manuals.
If there’s something you were hoping to find but did not see listed here, please feel free to contact us with your questions. We will continue to update this page as we come across more useful information.
Camera Setup
- Tips for Reaching Maximum Frame Rate (FPS)
- What to do when some cameras are not enumerating (Windows or Linux)
- Which lenses fit each Triton model? Triton lens compatibility list
- How to increase the maximum allowable exposure time
- How to access documentation on Windows/Linux
- Using Auto Exposure and Auto Gain on LUCID Cameras
- Using ADLINK PCle-GIE72/74 PRO with Trigger Over Ethernet (ToE)
- Installing PCIE-POE1-MG2 Driver
- Sample PC Config for Streaming Multiple Atlas10 Cameras
- Focusing Universe Compact Lenses
- Setting up a Network Bridge
- Using TCP with Atlas10 cameras on Windows
- Using TCP with Atlas10 cameras on Linux
- Using VLANs with LUCID Cameras
- Using Multiple ROIs with LUCID Cameras
- Default Network Ports for LUCID Cameras
- Factors for Selecting a PCIe card
- Long Reach Mode
- Reliability testing of LUCID Cameras
- Connecting LUCID Cameras to Multiple Network Interfaces (NIC) with Linux
- Using the TRI02KA Triton Linescan
- Logging and the Arena SDK
- Back focal distance in LUCID cameras
- Configuring RDMA for Windows
- Configuring RDMA for Linux
- Using Multiple RDMA Cameras on a Switch
- Controlling Triton2 EVS camera's event rate when connected at less than 2.5GigE (Event Rate Control / ERC)
- Focusing a Triton2 EVS Camera
- Projecting a Helios2 3D image to and from a 2D image
Arena Software
- Where to find more info on the Html UI of our API
- How to access documentation on Windows/Linux
- Using Auto Exposure and Auto Gain on LUCID Cameras
- Using LUCID's TRI054S IMX490 in ArenaView
- New 4th Gen Pregius Features
- Enabling Jumbo Frames on Raspberry Pi
- Resolving the 'NodeMapFactory must be preprocessed before calling ToXml' message when connecting to a camera
- Using LUCID's 3D + RGB IP67 Kit in ArenaView
- Using ADLINK PCle-GIE72/74 PRO with Trigger Over Ethernet (ToE)
- Using TCP with Atlas10 cameras on Windows
- Using TCP with Atlas10 cameras on Linux
- Using VLANs with LUCID Cameras
- Unicast Device Discovery with LUCID Cameras
- Using Application Switchover with LUCID Cameras
- Using LUCID's ArenaView with JupyterLab
- Tonemapping images from LUCID's TRI054S-CC IMX490
- Troubleshooting timeouts caused by incomplete images (Windows)
- How to create an Ubuntu docker image and container with Arena SDK
- Troubleshooting Network Timeouts (Linux)
- Using Multiple Helios Cameras Simultaneously
- Solving driver-related RDMA streaming issues with Ubuntu 22.04
IP67 Setup
Camera Features
- Using Auto Exposure and Auto Gain on LUCID Cameras
- Pixel Formats
- Removing the IR Cut Filter from Color Cameras
- Binning and Decimation on LUCID Cameras
- Using LUCID's TFL- and TFL-II Mount Adapters for EF Lenses
- Export Control of LUCID Products
- Using TCP with Atlas10 cameras on Windows
- Using TCP with Atlas10 cameras on Linux
- Using VLANs with LUCID Cameras
- Unicast Device Discovery with LUCID Cameras
- Using Multiple ROIs with LUCID Cameras
- Using Application Switchover with LUCID Cameras
- Heat management for LUCID products
- Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
- Comparing LUCID's IMX490 Cameras: TRI054S vs. TDR054S with AltaView
- Multicast Device Discovery with LUCID Cameras
- Save Image on LUCID Camera's File System
- Shading Correction Control (Atlas10)
- Using Multiple Helios Cameras Simultaneously